Friday, July 10, 2009

Blessed: Anna & Eric

Here is a photo-filled post to make up for my lack of posting the last couple weeks. Anna & Eric's 4th of July wedding had the most perfect weather. Everything just seemed to fall into place and it was a wonderful day. They are so in love with each other, I think it could have poured and the day would have been just as beautiful.

Here is Matt's totally awesome shot of the guys. I love how it contrasts with my shot of the girls.

Anna and her siblings are all runners (they even went out the morning of the wedding),
so of course we had to stage a finish line.

Best of luck you two! It was an honor to be your photographer :)

1 comment:

Maureen and Markus said...

Natalie, these are gorgeous. You are amazing! You were able to capture the beauty that was everywhere that day--even in the stinky old covered bridge (those are my favorites)!! Also, I love how Mr. and Mrs. Markowitz are peeking in between the siblings in that finish line picture. What fun!

It was great to see you again. Please send my love and congratulations to Dom!